I’d love your support…
For a few hours, I thought, how ironic—I might not be walking the Auckland Marathon to raise funds for Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand because I’d be in the hospital with my son fighting leukemia instead.
Three weeks ago, we endured an emotional rollercoaster that felt like a lifetime. Theo went for a routine clinic checkup, but this time, we saw an oncologist from 2022 rather than his usual pediatrician. After chatting with Theo, she shared alarming news: his blood test results were dangerously low. Neutropenic. Low platelets. Slightly low red blood cells. She mentioned it might be a post-viral effect but wanted to repeat the tests and, if necessary, arrange an urgent bone marrow biopsy.
In that moment, I felt myself slipping into a familiar numbness, dissociating as she spoke. I’d asked my husband Regan earlier if he wanted me to call during the appointment, just like in the past. He’d said no, not unless needed. But this time, I did. He joined on speaker, asking the questions I couldn’t.
While Theo worried about missing his school holiday plans, we worried about much bigger “not being able to.” We did the blood tests, rushed by taxi to the labs, and waited, praying we wouldn’t have to relive the trauma of those days when all plans vanished, and only one task remained: keeping him alive.
Then, the call finally came: “They’re perfect!” the oncologist said, almost apologetically. I burst into tears, and Theo was overjoyed.
We’re profoundly grateful and exhausted by the ordeal.
So yes, I’m still walking the Auckland Marathon next month (super daunting!!!!!). I’ve been training hard and would love your support:
The photo below is from the waiting period…